Opportunities for businesses to provide greater value to customers through immersive experiences, innovative products, and very enticing pricing have expanded greatly as a result of digital technologies. Successful examples of this can be seen among businesses that were born online. Similar to start-ups, they rely heavily on technology to function. As a result, traditional large organisations are having their business models disrupted, and therefore must undergo a transformation to become more flexible, innovative, and agile in order to remain competitive.
However, in order to take advantage of cloud technology in the same way as newer businesses do, the more established ones will need to take into account the following factors:
- Their robust existing models of business as well as the underlying IT systems
- Contextually relevant disruptions and opportunities for improvement
These established businesses, in contrast to start-ups, have valuable assets that have been amassed over time and via substantial investment. The transformation roadmap is heavily influenced by the degree to which they are amenable to change, the breadth of that change, and the price tag attached to it.
Utopian IT in huge corporations would provide all of their portfolios' functionality "as a service," just like startups. However, transitioning to a "as a service" model may be difficult or unnecessary for most legacy firms because of their extensive investments in maintaining their current IT infrastructures.
Common descriptions of the cloud continuum include:
- Hybrid cloud, public cloud, private cloud, data center as well as edge computing
- PaaS, BPaaS, IaaS, as well as SaaS
These definitions concentrate on the many sorts of technology adoption but do not always specify the level of adoption or how it is used.
Categories for Cloud transformation:
Improve the Existing System:
A cloud-based system for off-site data storage and disaster recovery (DR), Discontinued Cloud Production, Cloud-based application migration, What we mean by "Software Defined Infrastructure" is that Infrastructure levelling and standardisation (Containers)
Improve the productivity of operators as well as developers:
Homogenized operations using SRE, DevSecOps, and NoOps architectures; self-provisioning; infrastructure as code; continuous deployment; Refresh the Application: SaaS, application as a service, cloud native application decomposition, legacy application service enablement Engage with customers and partners more effectively: API-based economies, digital marketing, omnichannel user experiences, and emerging channels (such as voice-based services) are all on the rise. Make more with data: Data as a Service, Data Monetization, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Cognitive Services, and Data Collection. Organizations don't have to reach the pinnacle of maturity in every one of the aforementioned categories to benefit from the increased abstraction and complexity that comes with progressing to the right. The journey on the continuum might also differ depending on the type of application portfolio being considered, such as business support apps, end-user computing, core business applications, as well as productivity. Business goals, the current status, possibilities, dangers, implementation cost, and benefits all factor into how far along the continuum an organisation is willing to travel. Enterprises, like startups, should include an innovation model into their strategy, allowing them to revisit technological and market shifts at regular intervals (every six months, for example) and adjust their approaches accordingly.