NEEV is a leading educational learning Platform that brings tutors and students together online and it is suitable for all Classes. Neev for the educational institutes can do wonders for teachers by making their daily teaching tasks simpler whereas Neev for students will make their learning experience more fun via live chat and easy problem solving on-the-go
Enrolled students are allowed to attend the live online streaming lecture via their respective logins. Some of the advantages of Live Lectures include live streaming, live chat with students or tutors, and sharing the document screen
Admins are permitted to record their lectures and save them for future reference. All you need to do is select the course, branch, and subject. Any student who has enrolled for the respective course can access the recorded lectures using their respective logins. Enrolled Students can also add notes & bookmarks and also can mark the video pending or completed
Admins can sell and students can purchase the study materials or books through an e-Commerce feature by making an online payment. An integrated payment gateway will help with the payment processing and the material will be delivered at your doorstep
Admins are allowed to store their reading material in a fully secured storage. Enrolled students will then be able to read their materials, class, chapter or subject-wise
Various types of tests are designed for the enrolled students. Enrolled students can appear for the online test series scheduled on the fixed date and time setup. Online tests will be conducted Class, Subject and Chapter-wise on the nearest scheduled date. Tests can be Part test, Subject test, and Full test.