Standalone Device, Automatic Operations, Contactless Experience
The IoT Device “TEMPie” is a brand new, unique and high-quality non-contact body temperature device that has the ability to withstand tough industrial, electrical, and mechanical environments.
To operate, you don’t require touching it at all. The entire mechanism has been designed in a way that the organizations can quickly integrate the tool in place to measure employees’ temperature in the most accurate manner possible. Furthermore, what makes it super preferable is the contactless nature since it is a non-contact device anyone who wants to have their temperature scanned -just need to stand in the front of the device and from there on TEMPie takes the charge.
With that being said – Let’s discuss the following pointers to know more about the device.

IoT Device “TEMPie”
Comes With Color Coded Light
The “TEMPie” is optimized for a wide range of environmental temperatures. More importantly, you just need to keep up to 5 cm away from your forehead for scanning body temperature. That’s when the device will turn red or green when the temperature is high or normal respectively.
Scans the Temperature Quick!
By aiming the “TEMPie” at the target person, you can measure temperature accurately within one second. When employees don’t have to wait in line to be scanned and let in the office it is certain that it will deliver an amazing experience through out the entry and exit process.
SaaS Based Web Application & Mobile App “U20”
Organizational Mobile App For Employees
- Login With OTP
- Terms & Conditions For Geo Tracking & Declaration Consents
- Language Options (English/Hindi/Gujarati)
- Employee Health Profile
- My Daily Self-Declarations (Auto-Scheduling)
- My Daily Temperatures (Real-Time At Workplace)
- My Daily Geo-Tracking (Daily Track Routes)
- My Daily Alarms (Offline & Battery Alarms)
- Notifications From Employer
Organizational Backend
- Super-Admin & User Logins
- Dashboard
- Organizational Profile
- Employee Listing
- Self-Declaration Listing
- Temperature Listing
- Geo-Tracking Listing
- WIFI Listing
- Battery Listing
- Send Notifications
- Office & Vehicle Sanitization Report
- Export Reports
Final Thoughts
IoT Device “TEMPie”, along with Web/Mobile Application “U20”, serves to protect your organization, your employees and your clients without compromising the overall work environment.
Companies that outperform their competitors in the marketplace are always known to be proactive and employee centric whenever there is a huge turmoil in the market. With accuracy and simplicity of our device and the way it connects with access control or attendance systems, you can leave your worries behind and focus on things which matter more for your organization. For eg. customers, revenue, research and development and market share.
To schedule a demo for the IoT device “TEMPie”, please visit! or Click "Here"
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